
What to eat when in Finland

One week down, one to go. Holiday in Finland has treated us good. And the food. I will dedicate this chapter to food.
Baby James is now 4 months and started to taste foods. So far the favourite is, of course, the messiest with berries. He was quick to learn how to eat. Now when he sees a spoon coming closer he is waiting mouth open.

Wednesday me and Baby James went to the Tivoli with grandma and J's cousin. After going wild in the machines we took a girly snack. Three girls, three times sausage and fries please. Baby James was having a nap.

Thursday Baby James had a little party to invite family and friends to see him. Too many presents he got, thank you every one joining. It was lovely to see you all and I was full of happiness. Cakes, candy and sparkling wine was on the menu. My mom made tiny little strawberry dream cake... 

The famous cheese cake was at the party too. Instead of saying "Marry me?" it said Baby James but it was recognised by many guests. Let me also tell you that Mr. C has told me that I can try to propose with some other cakes, some will sure work...

Friday afternoon we packed the car and drove two hours to the summerhouse. It was my turn to fix the snack in the evening and as I feel myself as a Spanish señorita I made a cheese plate with ham.

Lets not forgot the drinking when in Finland. You can either drink beer like my friend or take a nice glass of wine by the lake. Both equally good options.

So, one more week to spend in Finland before new chapter starts in Mallorca. Kippis to that!


Suomi Finland

Mess in Palma
We are moving away from Palma at the end of the month. While we are renovating our house in Santa Margalida we are going to live in Alcudia. Conveniently I had also planned a holiday in Finland at the end of the month. To stay even tiny little bit sane I had to get my mum to Mallorca to help out in the middle of the mess. 

This is how we mark my moving boxes, Paulas Shit

Grandma in Mallorca
So grandma came last Wednesday. How I missed my mum! She does give me tricky tasks, like Saturday evening ten o'clock she wanted to have nachos and a mojito in a nice place close by. Apparently I should know the menu of every restaurant close by. She also might like to go back to that shop where they had those things. Right, I just don't know what things and in which shop as we been in twenty different shops in the last 24 hours. More hints please. But still I miss her always.

Grandma and Baby James taking selfies

Suomi Finland
Yesterday morning we left to Helsinki. Flight went fast and better than I expected. And Finland is nice and warm. I have already seen some family and soon of to a date with friend. Thursday Baby James is having little party to see more relatives and friends. In the weekend we are going to the summerhouse. And many more plans.

Multitasking Grandma on the flight

Having a walk with Pappa and pineapple

Baby James with uncles and cousins

And yes, I left poor Mr. C in the boiling Palma to finish the heavy part of moving. 


When life doesn't give you lemons

Go buy them and bake a cheesecake. This recipe I found years ago (from here in Finnish) and it is the best cheesecake ever. My family loves it and makes me do it over and over again in every occasion. And now it was Mr. C's turn to taste it.

But we didn't have occasion so I had to invent one on the go. And so I did. I decorated the cake in the best way I could and went on one knee.

He said no. Well it was Friday 13th. Maybe my timing wasn't on the spot.

Okey, he also said it is his thing to ask. And the cake was still delicious. Win Win for me.
I had a slice for breakfast also. And it tastes even better if you let it stay in the fridge over night.

Anyone who likes cheesecakes this is a most do. And it is easy peasy lemon squeesy. Decoration is up to you. You can use mine but don't have to.


How to fall asleep?

Yesterday I got a morning off from mami duties. Baby James has been, I could say, challenging for the last week. Plus I have been very bad sleeper. Like Baby James, I am tired but don't know how to fall asleep. Or incase I knew how to fall asleep there would be a mosquito in my ear to tell me not just yet. So little they are, but in top 10 annoying things. So, morning off and to the pool I went. It was time to put a bikini on for the first time this summer. For the first time since last summer. And I looked like I was 22 again. No, I did not. But my poolside pictures looked like I went for a real holiday.

As I don't look exactly like 22 years old, but would like to, I am trying magical things to get there. And this time it is ginger water. I read that two glasses of ginger water a day burns fat around the tummy area. Worth of try and it is delicious...
And another thing I just found out is over night oats. Why nobody told me before about this breakfast? Or where have I been? Super easy, super good and super breakfast. And Mr. C liked it too. Tho, he called it after night seeds.

Back to the sleeping problem. My grandfather was a sea captain. I have been told that I have inherited the need to travel from him. And once, as a sea man he had to stay up and guard from 4am to 8am. And later he was not able to sleep during these hours. And this is exactly my problem area. When Baby James wakes up around four, I cannot fall asleep again. The question is: Have I inherited this too? Is it possible? Any magical ways to fall asleep? Anyone?


Meaning of white rose

All happiness depends on a leisure breakfast, John Gunther

Mun ehdoton suosikki ruoka on aamupala. Eilen olikin onnekas päivä ja aamupala treffit sovittu kaverin kanssa. Ja vieläpä mun suosikki kahvilaan, Cappuccinoon. Myöhäinen aamupala kauniissa puutarhassa. Onko mitään parempaa tapaa aloittaa päivä? Tätä paikkaa voin ehdottomasti suositella kaikille Palmassa kävijöille.

Breakfast is my favourite meal. I always, always, always eat breakfast. And yesterday I was lucky to have breakfast date with a friend. And the date was at my favourite coffee shop in Palma, Cappuccino. Late, leisure breakfast at the beautiful garden. No better way to start the day. This place I absolutely recommend if you ever are in Palma. 

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

Nyt oli pakko pysähtyä. Vesimeloni jäätelöä! Oli kokeiltava näin kuumana päivänä ja jatkoon menee. Suosittelen myös tätä kokeilemaan. 
Kotimatkalla pysähdyin ostamaan Herra C:lle valkoisen ruusun. Erivärisillä ruusuillahan on omat merkityksensä. Ja valkoisen ruusun merkitys on avioliitto, hengellisyys ja uudet alut. Mutta enpä kosinut. Vielä.
Herra C oli myös pysähtynyt ostamaan mulle jotain. Leivän. Sanoin sille kyllä.

I had to stop for it. Watermelon ice cream on hot day! Refreshing! Recommending that too. 
On the way home I stopped to buy a white rose to Mr. C. The meaning of white roses is for marriage, spirituality and new starts. But I didn't propose. Yet.
And Mr. C had stopped to buy me something too. A bread. I said yes to that. 

Dinner is better when we eat together

Herra C keittiö vuorossa eilen. Tyypillinen mallorcalainen päivällinen, Pa amb oli. Näytti hyvältä ja maistui erityisen hyvälle. Tykkään ja suosittelen.

Mr. C made dinner last night and it was delicious and beautiful. This is typical Mallorquin dinner: Pa amb oli. Like. And recommend.

Mainitaan loppuun vielä, että Cappucinossa on joka päivä brunssi. Herra C vie mut sinne, ei vaan olla vielä päätetty päivämäärää.

Let me also mention that Cappuccino has brunch everyday. Mr. C is going to take me there, we just haven't set the date yet.


Time for a siesta

Nyt on kuuma! Yötä päivää. Ulos ei paljon viitsi Baby J:n kanssa mennä. Viime viikolla yritin kävelylle mahdollisimman aikaisin, ennen puolta päivää, silloinkin jo mittari näytti kahtasataa. No ei.  Näytti 33° astetta.

It is so hot! Day and night. Me and Baby James don't go out too much now. Last week I tried to go for a walk before noon and it was already 33° degrees.

Tänään Baby J sai rokotteen ja odotettavissa oli kuumeen nousua. Mahtavasti sopii yhteen jo ilmassa olevien lämpötilojen kanssa. Näissä helteissä alan jo minäkin uupumaan. Joten otettiin molemmat iltapäivällä päikkärit. Kuvamateriaali nyt vain Baby J:n unilta ja heräämisen hetkiltä.

Baby J got a vaccine today and were expecting to get some fever. Goes nicely together with the temperatures we are having. Also I am now getting tired during the day. So we both had nap this afternoon. Pictures only of Baby Js dreams and first moments when waking up.

Ja nyt kun unista puhutaan niin lauantai-sunnuntai yönä näin painajaista. Että Herra C oli löytänyt mun karkkipiilon ja jäljellä oli vaan Karuselli pussin paperi. Ja kuinkas sitten kävikään, sunnuntaina hän oikeasti löysi piilon! Piti siinä sitten jakaa lempi karkit, että sain Herra C:n järkytyksen tästä salaisesta kätköstä laantumaan.

And now when I am talking about dreams. I had a nightmare Saturday-Sunday night. That Mr. C found my secret candy hide. All what was left was the candy wrapper. My favourite candy all the way from Finland. And what did happen on Sunday? He found it for real. He was shocked I was keeping this secret from him. To calm him down I shared the candy.