
How to fall asleep?

Yesterday I got a morning off from mami duties. Baby James has been, I could say, challenging for the last week. Plus I have been very bad sleeper. Like Baby James, I am tired but don't know how to fall asleep. Or incase I knew how to fall asleep there would be a mosquito in my ear to tell me not just yet. So little they are, but in top 10 annoying things. So, morning off and to the pool I went. It was time to put a bikini on for the first time this summer. For the first time since last summer. And I looked like I was 22 again. No, I did not. But my poolside pictures looked like I went for a real holiday.

As I don't look exactly like 22 years old, but would like to, I am trying magical things to get there. And this time it is ginger water. I read that two glasses of ginger water a day burns fat around the tummy area. Worth of try and it is delicious...
And another thing I just found out is over night oats. Why nobody told me before about this breakfast? Or where have I been? Super easy, super good and super breakfast. And Mr. C liked it too. Tho, he called it after night seeds.

Back to the sleeping problem. My grandfather was a sea captain. I have been told that I have inherited the need to travel from him. And once, as a sea man he had to stay up and guard from 4am to 8am. And later he was not able to sleep during these hours. And this is exactly my problem area. When Baby James wakes up around four, I cannot fall asleep again. The question is: Have I inherited this too? Is it possible? Any magical ways to fall asleep? Anyone?

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